Learn To Love Food

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Hummus and Hazelnut Hedgehog

hummus and hazelnut hedgehogHummus is a modest powerhouse. Simple, delicious and healthy it also requires no chewing, which makes it a great food for anyone working on oral motor skills. Because it's a thick puree, it's a great food for babies just starting solids, but it's also a staple food for all ages in many cultures. There are so many fun ways to play with hummus: you could finger paint or practice scooping with spoons. You could pretend some chips are dump trucks and play 'dump truck construction site'.Have fun dipping into the hummus and sing a song like “I like to dip, dip, dip, dip my carrot. I like to dip, dip, dip my carrot” to the tune of “I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.”The Hummus and Hazelnut Hedgehog is also part of the Animal Alphabet e-book which you can get for FREE by signing up here for the free resource library! Have fun! Enjoy! Happy food play!